We are adept at providing solutions to our clients whether the study requires a primary survey or focused desk research or analytics solutions for large internal company data. Providing holistic approach to our clients’ problems frequently leads us to new ways to bridging the gap between Business Intelligence and Market Research.
Our team has expertise across sectors, and our service offerings typically belong to the following areas below:
Customer motivation to move from interest in the product to actual purchase. Key to understanding customer conversion, commitment and loyalty
It is critical to understand the depth of customer attitudes formed about products and/or company. It is especially important for high priced consumer goods with extended decision and purchase processes that allows marketers to influence choice with accurate insights.
Does the product meet customer expectations? How strong is the bond with the brand? Insights to improve communications, customer conversions, commitment and loyalty.
Estimating demand for new product concepts/ launches, graphics, or prototypes. Assessing market share estimates for alternative concept configurations through conjoint and similar analysis. Assessing New Product Acceptance
Understanding usage situations, including how, when and where the product is used. Exploring why a particular habit is developed & to what extent people can stretch to fill his desires.
What is psychological value that a brand holds in the marketplace? A composite of brand awareness, brand quality, brand associations and brand loyalty measures.
Evaluating ads for appeal, comprehension, relevance, believability and intention studies to assess key brand metrics and track them over time
Sales activities, performance and effectiveness in producing the desired and measurable effect or goal. Often measured in a 360 degree survey completed by the sales person, the client (evaluating the sales call) and the supervisor responsible for evaluating the sales person.
Expert estimates of the market, judgmental bootstrapping (expert based rules describing how to use available secondary market information), conjoint analysis (estimation of consumer choice prefer- ences), and self-reported intentions to make future purchases
Estimates of demand elasticity, optimal price points, and prices too low or too high. Estimates for different product-service segments, or usage situations. We have also developed a revenue potential indexing approach which helps arrive at launch prices based on organisation’s objectives
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